Video (10:56 mins) – Ash Beckham discusses the current state of homophobia in our culture.
Coming out of your closet
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Alice Dreger: Is anatomy destiny?
Maria Delaney, , Resources, Sexuality, Sexuality Videos, Video, 0
Video (18:48 mins) – Alice Dreger works with conjoined twins and intersex children, and questions how anatomy pigeonholes us.
Gender Roles
Maria Delaney, , Gender, Gender Videos, Resources, Video, 0
Video (2:31 mins) – Young children talk about what they think girls and boys do.
Dale Spender – Is there an app for where we are at?
Maria Delaney, , Gender, Gender Videos, Resources, Video, 0
Video (43:22 mins) – A brilliant introduction to feminism in Australia and a call for coding the new revolution.
Macklemore & Ryan Lewis – Same Love
Maria Delaney, , Resources, Sexuality, Sexuality Videos, Video, 0
Music video (7:03 mins) about same-sex relationships and acceptance.
Miss Representation Movie Trailer
Maria Delaney, , Gender, Gender Videos, Resources, Video, 0
Video (8:52) – An overview of the way society uses media as a tool to dictate gender expression. This...
Challenging Gender Roles and Categories
Maria Delaney, , Gender, Gender Videos, Resources, Video, 0
Video (8:18) – An example of a student project.
Applying social norms theory to the prevention of gender based violence in middle schools
Maria Delaney, , Gender, Gender Videos, Resources, Video, 0
Applying Social Norms Theory to the Prevention of Gender Based Violence in Middle Schools
Tough Guise: Violence, Media & the Crisis in Masculinity
Maria Delaney, , Gender, Gender Videos, Resources, Video, 0
Video (7:02) – Jackson Katz discusses the ‘narrow box that defines manhood’ and the pressure to conform.
Our Community
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Lesley Rogers wrote a new post, Amanda Keddie – Reclaiming Feminism: EnGendering Change 8 years, 4 months ago
Video (32:55 mins) – Personal stories of educators who are engaging the space of schooling as a site of possibility for realising the goals of social justice.