Start early – Addressing Gender Based Bullying in Elementary School
Article from Huffington Post.


Gender and Education Guidelines Poster version – Gender and Education Guidelines and Checklists
These guidelines include useful examples and checklists for action in all areas of your school.


Schools Work Towards Gender Equity
Frameworks, case studies, data gathering strategies, sample survey questionnaires, references and recommended readings.


Pedagogies and critical reflection: Key understandings for transformative gender justice


It’s More Than a Game: Little boys, masculinities and football culture
Article – boys’ constructions of gender and perceptions of masculinities, and a way forward in terms of exploring how gendered and heterosexist practice within the early primary sphere might be challenged and reworked.


Reality & Risk: Pornography, young people and sexuality


Gender differences in bullying and the social construction of masculinity
Jonathan Munro. An article which explains the importance of addressing gender construction with boys.



Do Something! Early years
Lesson – solidify understanding of the harmful nature of stereotypes and the socially constructed nature of gender; support students as activists with the potential to stand up to gender stereotypes in a variety of ways.
Early years.


Gender Expression
A series of five lessons – help students understand why gender stereotypes are unfair and how teasing or bullying someone who does not conform to gender norms is wrong.
Early and primary years.


Gender Doesn’t Limit You
Six lesson plans – help students to take a stand against gender bullying.
Early and primary years.


Understanding Prejudice through Paper Plate Portraits
Lesson – encourage students to reflect on prejudice and better understand the complex, pervasive issues related to prejudice and stereotypes and why it is important that we all challenge biased assumptions.
Early and primary years.


Reducing Gender Stereotyping and Homophobia in Sports (Early Grades)
Early and primary years.


Do Something! Primary years
Lesson – solidify understanding of the harmful nature of stereotypes and the socially constructed nature of gender; support students as activists with the potential to stand up to gender stereotypes in a variety of ways.
Primary years.


Relationship Things
Activities – engage young people and support them to expect and build safe and respectful relationships.
Middle and senior years.


Reducing Gender Stereotyping and Homophobia in Sports (Middle and High School)
Middle and senior years.


Reading for Social Justice
Lesson and extension activities – think, talk and write about stereotypes of gender, race and class in literature, and engage in social action projects to combat the social problems that come up as they read.
Primary and middle years.


Media Violence
Lessons – media violence, with connections to the curriculum.
Primary, middle and senior years.


Tough Guise: Violence, Media, & the Crisis in Masculinity
Lessons – may be used with or without the Tough Guise DVD.
Middle and senior years.



Amanda Keddie – Reclaiming Feminism: EnGendering Change

Video (32:55 mins) – Personal stories of educators who are engaging the space of schooling as a site of possibility for realising the goals of social justice.

Dale Spender – Is there an app for where we are at?

Video (43:22 mins) – A brilliant introduction to feminism in Australia and a call for coding the new revolution.

Lana Wachowski receives the HRC Visibility Award

Video (31:09 mins) – The brilliant director of the Matrix speaks about her childhood experience and her transition.

Sexism, Strength and Dominance: Masculinity in Disney Films

Video (6:51)

Slim Hopes

Video (5:10 mins) – An in-depth analysis of how female bodies are depicted in advertising images and the devastating effects of those images on women’s health.

Miss Representation Movie Trailer

Video (8:52) – An overview of the way society uses media as a tool to dictate gender expression. This sets into motion the subordination of women in our society and that value that they hold as individuals politically and socially. This trailer can be used alone as stimulus for discussion.

Challenging Gender Roles and Categories

Video (8:18) – An example of a student project.

Tough Guise: Violence, Media & the Crisis in Masculinity

Video (7:02) – Jackson Katz discusses the ‘narrow box that defines manhood’ and the pressure to conform.

Tough Guise

Video (2:18 mins) – Introduction to critique of media representation and the social construction of violent masculinity.

Gender Roles

Video (2:31 mins) – Young children talk about what they think girls and boys do.

Applying social norms theory to the prevention of gender based violence in middle schools

Applying Social Norms Theory to the Prevention of Gender Based Violence in Middle Schools

Teaching Boys: Gender Just Classroom Practice

Video (44 mins) – Presentation for teachers and community workers, by Dr. Amanda Keddie and Professor Martin Mills, University of Queensland.

Teaching Boys: Issues of masculinity, violence and gender justice

Video (51 mins) – Presentation for teachers and community workers, by Dr. Amanda Keddie and Professor Martin Mills, University of Queensland.

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