Video (8:52) – An overview of the way society uses media as a tool to dictate gender expression. This sets into motion the subordination of women in our society and that value that they hold as individuals politically and socially. This trailer can be used alone as stimulus for discussion.
Miss Representation Movie Trailer
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Teaching Boys: Issues of masculinity, violence and gender justice
Maria Delaney, , Gender, Gender Videos, Resources, Video, 0
Video (51 mins) – Presentation for teachers and community workers, by Dr. Amanda Keddie and Professor Martin Mills, University...
Tough Guise
Maria Delaney, , Gender, Gender Videos, Resources, Video, 0
Video (2:18 mins) – Introduction to critique of media representation and the social construction of violent masculinity.
Applying social norms theory to the prevention of gender based violence in middle schools
Maria Delaney, , Gender, Gender Videos, Resources, Video, 0
Applying Social Norms Theory to the Prevention of Gender Based Violence in Middle Schools
Tough Guise: Violence, Media & the Crisis in Masculinity
Maria Delaney, , Gender, Gender Videos, Resources, Video, 0
Video (7:02) – Jackson Katz discusses the ‘narrow box that defines manhood’ and the pressure to conform.
Lana Wachowski receives the HRC Visibility Award
Maria Delaney, , Gender, Gender Videos, Resources, Sexuality, Sexuality Videos, Video, 0
Video (31:09 mins) – The brilliant director of the Matrix speaks about her childhood experience and her transition.
How Do YOU Define Yourself?
Maria Delaney, , Appearance Videos, Resources, Video, 0
Lizzie Velasquez is one of three known people in the world who suffers from a rare syndrome which prevents...
Macklemore & Ryan Lewis – Same Love
Maria Delaney, , Resources, Sexuality, Sexuality Videos, Video, 0
Music video (7:03 mins) about same-sex relationships and acceptance.
Coming out of your closet
Maria Delaney, , Resources, Sexuality, Sexuality Videos, Video, 0
Video (10:56 mins) – Ash Beckham discusses the current state of homophobia in our culture.
Our Community
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active 5 years, 7 months ago
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active 8 years, 9 months ago
Lesley Rogers wrote a new post, Amanda Keddie – Reclaiming Feminism: EnGendering Change 8 years, 4 months ago
Video (32:55 mins) – Personal stories of educators who are engaging the space of schooling as a site of possibility for realising the goals of social justice.