See also the Gender Resources including Videos

These resources have been selected because they are evidence based, accessible, practical and energising, and they are also free and online. They support the development of understandings about the way narrow gender identity constructions constrain us all, and should be implemented with a whole school community approach. It is also crucial that this work is undertaken within a broader well-being and social justice framework, employing critical, creative and transformative pedagogies. We hope you will browse and be inspired to seek professional development and support to implement these resources. Contact Maria Delaney at


The Our Watch Respectful Relationships Education Toolkit is designed to help you and your school develop and sustain a whole school approach to prevent gender-based violence by promoting gender equality and respectful relationships. The Toolkit is designed to be adaptable for schools across Australia to support the implementation of a whole school approach to Respectful Relationships Education. Each school is unique and will be at different stages of addressing gender-based violence and promoting respectful relationships and gender equality. The Toolkit has information to assist you at every stage. 


The whole-of-school approach to respectful relationships education A suite of resources for a whole school community approach produced by Our Watch


Partners in Prevention A resource hub providing a wealth of information and links to key resources including professional learning, audit tools, curriculum, school policies, booklists, videos and classroom activities   Safe and Equal (formerly Domestic Violence Resource Centre) Victoria


Stereotypes Stop You Doing Stuff: Challenging gender stereotypes through primary education A report on how different schools look at the impact of gender stereotypes on children and how they could begin to unsettle some of the established assumptions about what girls and boys might like or do National Education Union, UK


Boys’ Things and Girls’ Things?: Practical strategies for challenging gender stereotypical choices and behaviours in primary schools  To be read in conjunction with Stereotypes Stop You Doing Stuff, this booklet contains detailed examples of how staff worked to address gender stereotypes in primary classrooms and sections on adopting a whole school approach, toys, ambitions and jobs, sports and playtime, and creating and updating new resources. National Education Union, UK


It’s Child’s Play: Challenging gender stereotypes through reading A booklet resource for teachers to use in class every day, plus more information on using children’s literature to challenge gender stereotypes. National Education Union, UK


THE LINE Practitioner and educator resources designed to support those who work with, and for, young people to promote positive, equal and respectful relationships Our Watch


Primary AGENDA: Supporting Children in Making Positive Relationships Matter An online guide with equality, diversity, children’s rights and social justice at its heart, and an inspiring range of activities and examples   Cardiff University, Wales


Manhood 2.0: A Curriculum Promoting a Gender-Equitable Future of Manhood A manual created for use by facilitators working to engage young men in gender equity, violence prevention, and creating healthier and more equitable relationships – includes a series of sessions to enable young men to reflect and build collective support for making positive, healthy changes in their lives. Equimundo and the University of Pittsburgh


xyonline a website focused on men, masculinities, and gender politics – a space for the exploration of issues of gender and sexuality, the daily issues of men’s and women’s lives, and practical discussion of personal and social change Michael Flood


STEPS to examine programs and approaches for schools A decision making tool to help schools select and develop evidence-based and sustainable approaches, programs and resources for bullying and violence prevention. The National Safe and Supportive School Communities




Amanda Keddie – Reclaiming Feminism: EnGendering Change

Video (32:55 mins) – Personal stories of educators who are engaging the space of schooling as a site of possibility for realising the goals of social justice.

Dale Spender – Is there an app for where we are at?

Video (43:22 mins) – A brilliant introduction to feminism in Australia and a call for coding the new revolution.

Teaching Boys: Gender Just Classroom Practice

Video (44 mins) – Presentation for teachers and community workers, by Dr. Amanda Keddie and Professor Martin Mills, University of Queensland.

Teaching Boys: Issues of masculinity, violence and gender justice

Video (51 mins) – Presentation for teachers and community workers, by Dr. Amanda Keddie and Professor Martin Mills, University of Queensland.


These resources have been selected because they are evidence based, accessible, practical and energising, and they are also free and online. They support the development of understandings about the way narrow gender identity constructions constrain us all, and should be implemented with a whole school community approach. It is also crucial that this work is undertaken within a broader well-being and social justice framework, employing critical, creative and transformative pedagogies. We hope you will browse and be inspired to seek professional development and support to implement these resources. Contact the Social Change Agency


Respectful Relationships Education A suite of resources for a whole school community approach Our Watch


F – 12 Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships Learning materials for teachers in primary and secondary schools to develop students’ social, emotional and positive relationship skills and reduce antisocial behaviours including engagement in gender-related violence. Victorian Department of Education and Training


Building Respectful Relationships – stepping out against gender-based violence A package of resources to educate young people about the impact of gender-based violence which focuses on the key themes of gender, respect, violence and power, and includes a set of teaching and learning activities for delivery to students in Years 8 , 9 and 10 Victorian Department of Education and Training


R4Respect. Respectful Relationships Peer Education Guide A guide to support young people as peer educators in delivering respectful relationships education, to be used by community and youth organisations, schools and in other settings where young people can be mentored to promote understanding of what constitutes healthy, respectful relationships.


Expect Respect Education Toolkit An online toolkit containing a series of lesson plans for primary and secondary students plus supporting resources. Women’s Aid, UK


Fightback: Addressing sexism in Australian schools A teaching resource consisting of three units of work aimed at educating secondary school students about gender inequality, the objectification of young women’s bodies and the use of sexist language. The resource also addresses the link between gender inequality and violence against women. Briony O’Keefe


Media Education Foundation A website with films and education resources that inspire and support critical reflection on the social, political and cultural impact of media Media Education Foundation, USA


Sexual Ethics for a Caring Society  A website containing curricula for teaching students to think about other people and sex in society from an ethics viewpoint, and informative opinion pieces Sharon Lamb


Take Action For Gender Equality and Respect A guide to support secondary school aged students to reflect on what gender equality and respect means to them, engage with their peers on gender issues and take action to create change in their community Inspiro & Edvos


THE LINE Hundreds of articles, quizzes, clips and interviews Our Watch


Sex, Love and Other Stuff  A booklet developed for young men, with young men, that talks about sex, relationships, power and respect Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria


Relationship Things An online resource to help people aged 14 through 18 decide what kinds of relationships are good for them – dealing with gender, choice, communication, relationships, consent and safe sex, and including information and further resources for students and educators YWCA


The Practical Guide to Love, Sex and Relationships A teaching resource exploring relationships, sexual consent, equity and sexual and reproductive health    The Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society, La Trobe University



Video: Girls’ toys vs boys’ toys: The experiment  (3.25 mins) BBC Stories


Video: Redraw the Balance  (2 mins)


Video: The Man Box  (2.20 mins) Jesuit Social Services


Video: What is intersectionality? Commissioned and Produced by Professor Peter Hopkins, Newcastle University


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